05 March 2010

A Really Patient Man

“A really patient man neither complains nor seeks to be pitied; he will speak simply and truly of his trouble, without exaggerating its weight or bemoaning himself.” - St. Francis de Sales

This was yesterday's quote from the web page "Daily Quote from St. Francis de Sales." Although I have never thought of myself as a really patient man (In my younger years, I had quite a temper, and it took a long time, with the good Lord's help, to keep my temper under control.), I do try not to complain and prefer not to be pitied.

Speaking simply about my trouble? Hmm - more often than not I don't speak of it at all, which I've been advised (by many people over the years) is not always a good thing.

I do try to offer these troubles up though. A part of my daily prayer goes something like "Dear Lord, I offer You any sufferings, aches and pains, discomforts, botherings, frustrations, discombobulations facing me this day and all my attempts to do any duties - whether they be family, work, parish, citizen, or other, as well as any other related activities.  May they be some measure of comfort to You in Your passion, even if it's just easing the slightest iota of Your suffering." (The words may vary, but the basic intention is there.)

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