27 November 2010

An ArtInRuins Look at Historic Rhode Island Area Structures

I was doing some online research this morning to see if there was anything new regarding the proposed Providence Fire Museum. This was originally to be located in former carriage house, the last remaining building of the former Gorham Manufacturing Company complex, located at the end of Adelaide Avenue, off Reservoir Avenue in Providence (RI). Unfortunately, this building was destroyed in a fire in April 2009. (The current address of the fire museum is listed as 234 Washington Street, which is the address of the Verizon building, near Greene Street.)

In my research I came across an interesting site, ArtInRuins, which (among other things) looks at the state of many of the historical structures in and near Rhode Island. ArtInRuins contains several sections, each focusing on a specific group, including (new) construction, historic (long gone) structures, redeveloped structures, older structures still in use (although not necessarily the same use as originally planned), and structures still standing, but in a state of decay.

This site is worth checking out, and it may be accessed at:


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