06 January 2011

A Reflection on the Decreasing Opportunites for Daily Mass

"I am not (sad to say) a daily Mass-goer, but yesterday I decided to hit the 12:15 p.m. Mass at my parish, in part because I'd promised another Catholic writer I would offer my Communion for her intentions. I pulled on the door. Locked. I went around to the other side. Locked. I went back to my car to call my husband and ask him to look up our parish online and find out what was going on. While I waited, an old man pulled up beside me and looked confused. 'I thought they have 12:15 Mass today,' he said, adding, 'I was here for Friday's 12:15 Mass and it was locked then, too.'"

So begins a reflection by writer Mary DeTurris Poust about the decreasing opportunities for a person to go to daily Mass - a trend that, sad to say, I've also observed in this part of New England.

To read the full commentary, please visit:

OSV Daily Take: When is daily Mass like the U.S. mail? (4 JAN 11)

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