30 March 2012

USFA Releases New Guide: Your Role in Fire-Adapted Communities

The U.S. Fire Administration, in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, recently released a new guide for fire service and other community leaders facing the growing national threat of wildland fire. The guide, Your Role in Fire-Adapted Communities, is designed to explain a holistic approach to addressing wildland-fire risk reduction in the wildland/urban interface. The resource was developed by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) under a cooperative agreement with the federal agencies.

IAFC advises that the goal of fire-adapted communities, which are communities that have worked to become more resistant to wildland-fire threats, depends on a strong collaboration between federal, state and local agencies and the public. This new guide was prepared to provide an overview of key concepts in fire-adapted communities and to address specific actions that can be taken to improve individual and community safety.

The guide promotes an environment where individuals have access to critical information and the necessary knowledge concerning the protection of life, property and their communities. This creates an alignment of the community with FEMA’s whole community involvement and individual responsibility to reduce the loss of life and property.

To access the complete document, please visit:

USFA: Your Role in Fire-Adapted Communities

Background information:

United States Fire Administration

U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service

International Association of Fire Chiefs

Federal Emergency Management Agency: Whole Community

Maine Forest Service: Wildland Urban Interface

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