15 October 2013

Some Life Lessons

“I volunteer at a Mental Illness Drop in Centre in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. Next to the drop in centre, there is a Men's Shed, where men who are mostly retired come together to do wood work and metal work. It is also a place where these men meet and bond.

“I sometimes wander into the Men's Shed to say hello to some of them men, whom I now know on a first name basis.

“Just recently, I went to the Men's Shed and noticed a new face. He was a short and slim elderly man, with grey hair pulled back. So, I decided to introduce myself, and we started a casual conversation.”

In a recent commentary, writer Ron Prasad reflected on his meeting Ted and on the lessons he learned from it.

To access Mr. Prasad’s complete post, please visit:

A Gift of Inspiration: No Barriers in Life (October 2013)

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