07 April 2015

Randy Hain on Ways to Be a True Catholic Rebel

"Come on, we know better than the Church, don't we?  After all, this is the 21st Century and times have changed.  Modern man is fully capable of deciding what is moral on his own, right?  All the really smart people in the media, government and academia who encourage us to embrace abortion, contraception, euthanasia and gay marriage can't be wrong, can they?  After all, everyone knows that new and fresh ideas must clearly trump over two millennia of Church teaching.  Right?


"Unfortunately, my facetious opening paragraph represents how many Catholics view the Church's teaching these days.  Many have bought into the lies the world is feeding us that we should rebel against the authority of the Church and the Pope while instead deciding on our own which teachings we will and will not follow.  Our increasing apathy and moral relativism, heavily influenced by a culture drunk on materialism with no moral compass, is putting the Church and the world in grave danger.  The Catholic Church is one of the last lines of defense against evil and we must not allow a misguided rebellion to destroy it from the inside.  The Church must never conform to or be assimilated into the world.  We are in the world, but not of the world and we must keep our eyes firmly on our heavenly home."

In a recent commentary, writer Randy Hain, Senior Editor for The Integrated Catholic Life, offered five positive ways for Catholics to rebel against the world (including avoiding cafeteria Catholicism, putting pride aside, and being joyful).

To access Mr. Hain's complete essay, please visit:

Integrated Catholic Life: Five Ways to be a True Catholic Rebel (2 APR 15)

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