01 August 2015

Philip Kosloski on Finding Time to Pray Daily

"In an age where we have made numerous technological advances that are meant to save time, we find ourselves busier than ever. What does this mean for the spiritual life? The most common answer to 'why don't you pray on a daily basis' is 'I have no time.' Yet, is that really an excuse?

"Jim Beckman in his book God, Help Me: How to Grow in Prayer put it this way:

"The way we spend our time tends to reveal what we place value on. One author I read on this topic observed with amusement that no one ever died of hunger because of not having time to eat. There are things we do with our time every day, and if we track our activity, we'll see what is truly important to us. If prayer is something we place value on, we'll make time for it.

"So the short answer is no, having 'no time' is not a good excuse. We simply are challenged to make time. It doesn't always have to be a Holy Hour; it could simply be a 'holy half-hour' or a 'holy five minutes.'

In a recent commentary, writer Philip Kosloski reflected on the importance of finding time to pray each day.

To access Philip's complete post, please visit:

National Catholic Register: Blogs: Philip Kosloski: The simple prayer practice that will change your life (14 JUL 15)

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