13 June 2016

The Arts Ministry of Torolab

"At the top of a hill in Camino Verde, a neighborhood long known for its gang turf wars and struggling families, sits a drab concrete-slab building.

"It's a substantive structure, which stands out in this community of informally built homes in Tijuana, Mexico. And that's the whole idea.

"'We built a bunker, and it changed everything,' says Raúl Cárdenas Osuna, an architect and artist who uses his hands - and cellphone photos - as he animatedly describes his work.

"Mr. Cárdenas is the founder and director of Torolab, an art and urban planning collective founded in Tijuana in 1995. He's dedicated his life to creating social change through community-driven art initiatives, and his unique outlook played an important role in transforming Camino Verde from a grim environment into a neighborhood of hope and promise."

A recent Christian Science Monitor article profiled Mr. Cárdenas and the Torolab ministry.

To access the complete report, please visit:

Christian Science Monitor: Violence plunged after he brought the arts to a Tijuana neighborhood (9 JUN 16)

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