26 April 2017

Fr. Longenecker on Danger Signs of (and Antidotes for) Cult-Like Behavior

"One of the creepiest things about religion is the tendency for those involved to drift into cult-like behaviors. When I say 'cult-like behavior' I don't simply mean a crazed, enclosed group who commit mass suicide, set up a 24/7 watch for aliens or who live on berries, granola and meditation.

"Those are the wacky extremes. The underlying behaviors can manifest in every sort of religion. A subgroup develops and the members and leaders start behaving in a particularly recognizable way. They may not be extremists outwardly, but their group behavior is still cult-like.

"How can you tell if a religious group is operating like a cult? It's difficult because the people in a religious group can behave like a cult without them becoming a full-blown, identifiable religious cult." 

In a recent commentary, Father Dwight Longenecker (parish priest at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Greenville, SC) reflected on some of the danger signs that may indicate the presence of a cult or a cult-like attitude. He also offered a number of antidotes for this type of behavior.

To access Fr. Longenecker's complete post, please visit: 

National Catholic Register: Blogs: Fr. Dwight Longenecker: 4 Danger Signs of Cult-Like Behavior, and 4 Antidotes (23 APR 17)

Background information:

Dwight Longenecker - Catholic priest and author

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