03 December 2018

Marcel LeJeune on Keeping One's Children from Leaving the Church

"I worked in campus ministry for 15 years and during that time, there was no lack of desperate parents calling to ask us to help them with a kid who had stopped going to church. I have also done a lot of speaking/training of Catholics through the years. It isn't rare to get a line of folks who have questions. But, whenever I talk on evangelization, the most common discussion is about how to evangelize family who have left the Catholic Church. You probably know some of the statistics about the decline in the number of Catholics. I won't get into them here. But, every one one of those stats has a name and a family of origin.

"Every former Catholic has parents
Every disenfranchised Catholic has a soul and a destiny.
Every cultural Catholic needs Jesus, even if they don't know it.
Every person has a right to our best efforts to help them get to heaven.

"Thus, the heartbreak of a kid who walks away from the Catholic Church is truly devastating to a parent who believes. Until you have tried to comfort and encourage hundreds of parents of adult children who are living far from God, you won't know just how sad these situations are for the parents involved."

In a recent Catholic Missionary Disciples commentary, writer Marcel LeJeune reflected on some preventative measures parents, who still have children in the home, may use to keep their children from leaving the Church.

To access the complete Catholic Missionary Disciples post, please visit:

Catholic Missionary Disciples: Catholic Parenting - How To Do Everything You Can To Get Your Kid To Heaven!

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