03 August 2020

Fr. Patrick Briscoe, O.P., on Remembering God in All Paces in Our Lives

"Julia Greeley was perhaps the greatest apostle of the Sacred Heart that the United States has ever seen. But it isn't just her devotion to the Sacred Heart for which she is revered. We remember Julia for her charity.

"One writer dubbed her 'a one-person St. Vincent de Paul Society.' Born into slavery, partially blind, illiterate, and the object of much scorn (as a free African American, she was the object of racism), Julia used practically every penny she earned from her labor as a domestic worker to support the poor. . . .

"Julia became a Catholic because of the devotion and witness of another. Upon her death, a constant stream of people came for hours to pay their respects to Denver’s servant of the Sacred Heart, having been touched by her witness. . . .

"The temptation to leave behind the Lord, to be separated from the love of Christ, is very great. In our modern living, I think there are two places of life, two venues where we commonly forget Christ."
In a recent commentary, Father Patrick Briscoe, O.P., reflected on how we often leave Christ behind in our families and online and on how we can respond when tempted to do so.
To access Fr Patrick's complete post, please visit:
Aleteia: Fr. Patrick Briscoe, OP: Remembering God every day, especially in these 2 spots (30 JUL 20)

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