02 September 2024

Cecilia Pigg on 'Herculean' Labors of Familial Love

"Some days, all I see in the life of my family is the beauty of it - moments when siblings bond and stand up for each other, evenings when I see my husband explaining some technical detail to my sons as they listen eagerly, and the times when happy chatter and laughter ring out as the sunshine sparkles on clean floors and tidy rooms. 

"But on other days, all I see is the uphill slog of toil and monotony in family life - the complaining and bickering, the fact that nothing stays tidy for longer than a few minutes, or the belief that we have conquered some hurdle in discipline or time management only to have the problem come back again with the solution more elusive than ever.

"In that vein, and to commemorate Labor Day, I wanted to write about the labors required to help a family flourish and thrive. What better hero to turn to for inspiration than Hercules - that strong ancient hero who defeated many monsters to atone for his failures in family life (to put it mildly)? Note well, that he had divine help in his labors. When things seem impossible, remember that even Hercules couldn't do it all alone"

In a recent commentary, writer Cecilia Pigg reflected on some of Hercules' labors matched with labors one may confront daily in family life.

To access Ms. Pigg's complete post, please visit:

Aleteia; Cecilia Pigg: 4 "Herculean" labors of familial love in honor of Labor Day (1 SEP 24)

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