06 September 2024

Fr. Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, on Beginning Again

". . . Whether or not we ever enter a classroom, in some way, all of our lives are still shaped by the school calendar.  Every fall we are surrounded by opportunities to begin again.  This time of year reminds us that anything is possible, and we can start over with a clean slate.  This sense of starting over is part of the fabric of Salesian Spirituality.   St. Francis de Sales reminds us: 'it is right that you should begin again every day. There is no better way to complete the spiritual life than to be ever beginning it over again.'"

In a recent commentary, Father Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, reflected on, the importance of taking time "to begin again and to strive to 'Live Jesus' in our daily lives.'

To access Fr. Kolodziej's complete post, please visit:

De Sales Weekly: Provincial's Reflection: Turning to Mary (22 AUG 24)

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