"For better or worse, my childhood days were lived before the age of the
digital camera. So, I have shelves full of photo albums that tell the
stories of my life. As is likely the case for many, Halloween
photographs are plentiful.
"While Halloween had not yet morphed into the mega-holiday it is now, I
took my Halloween costumes very seriously. There were the challenges of
picking a character, brainstorming the costume that would bring that
character to life, and then making that costume in a way that would
somehow marry an imagination that was fairly good with crafting and
sewing skills that were decidedly bad. Luckily, my mom -- who was both
talented and patient -- took a lead role in the costume production!".
In a recent commentary, writer/Professor Lucia A. Silecchia
reflected on some of the aspects of dressing up for special occasions and putting on the cloak of a good life.
To access Professor Silecchia's complete post, please visit:
The Pilot: Echoes: Lucia A. Silecchia: Dressing up for Ordinary Time (9 OCT 24)
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