22 April 2011

Yankee Ingenuity in Massachusetts: First Envelope Folding Machine

New England is a treasure house filled with many different types of spiritual, cultural, historical, and other resources. Included in this treasure trove is a rich variety of creative people. There is a phrase, "Yankee ingenuity," that has a lot of truth in it. People of New England have been noted for coming up with solutions to challenges/problems of all types.

As Suzi Forbes Chase wrote in New England (New York: Prentice Hall, 1994): "Principles come first. Hard work second.Give a New Englander a problem and he'll study it every which way until he comes up with a solution.

"That's the essence of 'Yankee ingenuity' - that peculiar knack for making the best of any situation - of turning a negative into a positive."

A good example of such ingenuity is the first envelope folding machine, which was invented by Dr. Russell Hawes of Worcester, MA, in 1853.

For more information about Dr. Hawes and his envelope folding machine, please visit:

National Postal Museum: Envelopes In The Machine Age

Envelope Manufacturers Association: The History of Envelopes

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