25 January 2012

National Firefighter Code Of Ethics

The Cumberland Valley (PA) Volunteer Firemen's Association, a mutual aid organization, recently developed a National Firefighter Code of Ethics.

The idea for the Code was initially proposed in the Fire Service Reputation Management White Paper published by the association. Proposed by the National Society of Executive Fire Officers, it is designed to be a guide for acceptable behavior already practiced by all but a very small percentage of the fire service. Since then, the idea has gained momentum and received support from fire service leadership throughout the U.S.

Beginning in 2008, the CVVFA began studying the impact of inappropriate, unethical, and sometimes illegal conduct/behavior by a small number of fire service members that threatens to erode the moral high ground from beneath the fire service. Fire service opinion leaders met at St. Joseph's University and at the National Fire Academy to explore these concerns. This lead to the issuance of the Fire Service Reputation Management White Paper in March 2010. This white paper discusses a number of social, cultural, and ethical issues impacting the fire service nationwide.

Points in the Code include:

  • Always conduct myself, on and off duty, in a manner that reflects positively on myself, my department and the fire service in general.
  • Accept responsibility for my actions and for the consequences of my actions.
  • Avoid situations that would adversely affect the credibility or public perception of the fire service profession.
  • Conduct my personal affairs in a manner that does not improperly influence the performance of my duties, or bring discredit to my organization.
  • Recognize that I serve in a position of public trust that requires stewardship in the honest and efficient use of publicly owned resources, including uniforms, facilities, vehicles and equipment and that these are protected from misuse and theft.
  • Exercise professionalism, competence, respect and loyalty in the performance of my duties and use information, confidential or otherwise, gained by virtue of my position, only to benefit those I am entrusted to serve.

To access a copy of the National Firefighter Code of Ethics, please visit:

National Firefighter Code of Ethics

Media report:

Firehouse Magazine: Group Creates National Firefighter Code Of Ethics

Background information:

Fire Service Reputation Management White Paper

National Society of Executive Fire Officers

CVVFA: FirefighterBehavior

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