03 February 2013

Msgr. Pope on the Four Pillars of Christian Life

“I and twelve other pastors, have been meeting recently to embark on a period and plan for renewal in our parishes. which focuses back on the fundamental mission of the Church, and of our parishes, and which seeks to restore a kind of back to basics approach to Church life.

“For too often many parishes are reduced from being lighthouses to clubhouses; from being thermostats which set the temperature of culture, to thermometers that merely record the temperature; from being places where Christ is central, and it is his wedding, to being places where Christ is merely an invited guest at our wedding feast.”

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on the basics that need to be present in the life of a Christian, in the life of the Church - the teaching of the Apostles, fellowship, the Breaking of the Bread, and prayer.

To access Msgr. Pope’s complete post, please visit:

Msgr. Charles Pope: The Four Pillars of the Christian Life (30 JAN 13)

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