“As a priest and pastor I work very closely with others, both clergy, religious and laity, who work for the Church and also volunteer. And of course all of us work for the Church, often for lower salaries than we could command elsewhere, because we love the Church and her people.
“But along with that love comes, at times a disappointment, hurt or even disillusionment. Perhaps it is just the local problems of parish that are found in any gathering of human beings: gossip, hurtful actions, hypocrisy, power struggles, wrongful priorities, favoritism, injustice and so forth.
“And while these things happen everywhere, many somehow hope there will be less of it in the Church. So who have come to work for the Church began by thinking, ‘What a wonderful thing, to work for a church (instead of in the cut-throat business world etc). Perhaps they envisioned a place where people prayed together and supported each other more, perhaps a place where there was less competition, and strife.
“Alas, such hopes are usually set aside early for any who work for the Church. We are after all running a hospital of sorts. And just like hospitals tend to attract sick people, so the Church attracts sinners and those who struggle. Jesus was found in strange company, such that the Pharisees, were scandalized. . . .”
In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on one of his responses to human situations being faced in the Church, whether they be small irritations, disappointment or deep disillusionment – a prayer/meditation especially those who love the Church and work closely with her.
To access Msgr. Pope’s complete post, please visit:
Msgr. Charles Pope: A Meditation on Love and Lament for the Church (18 NOV 13)
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