10 May 2018

Michelle Miller on the Bible and Contemporary Science

"Catholics have been given a great deal of liberty to believe in contemporary science, but the question of the compatibility of the Bible and contemporary science can still seem like a difficult question. . . .

"The answer to the above question stems from a 1943 encyclical by Pope Pius XII, Divino Afflante Spiritu. The Pope communicates to Catholics that there is no need to worry - what God intended to give us from the Bible and the intent of science are two different things. The Bible's purpose is to give sacred truths that are necessary for our eternal salvation. Science, on the other hand, offers the proper physical and natural explanation of the physical world from observational evidence and mathematical interpretation.

"Thus, science and the Bible seek two different ends - one to give a description of the physical universe and the other is to give sacred truths necessary for mankind's salvation. The purpose of Genesis is not to give a comprehensive account of exactly how the world came to be, but to give an understanding to mankind of the order of the world and their place in it."

In a recent commentary, Michelle Miller of the Magis Center, reflected on how, if we understand the purpose of each, "there is no incompatibility between the [B]ible and contemporary science."

To access Ms. Miller's complete essay, please visit:

Magis Center: Are The Bible and Contemporary Science Compatible? (4 MAY 18)

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