12 August 2018

Msgr. Pope on the Importance of Praying Honestly

"How do you think of prayer? Is it another thing you 'have to do' among many other things on your list? Or is prayer a time when you refrain from doing? Is prayer a requirement you regret or a rest you relish? What is prayer for you?

"The danger in answering questions like these is that we may answer them the way we think they 'should' be answered rather than in an honest way. Many struggle with prayer and experience it with a lot of negativity: boredom, distraction, drudgery, and so forth. 

"The fact is, prayer is tough. We are very sensory by nature and used to seeing and hearing the one to whom we speak. To encounter God in silence and without sight is unfamiliar, jarring, and challenging. Some use icons or pictures, some a prayer book; some pray before the Blessed Sacrament. But in the end, the eyes of the flesh cannot see, only the eyes of the heart, the eyes of faith can. This is not only difficult, it is obnoxious to our flesh (i.e., sinful nature), which demands to see and hear on its own terms. And the flesh wages war on our spirit (cf Gal 5:17) and like a fidgeting child protests all throughout prayer."

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on ways one may experience prayer and on the importance of praying honestly.

To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:

Community in Mission: Sweet Hour of Prayer! Or Not? How do You Experience Prayer? (9 AUG 18)

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