20 September 2018

Br. Simon Teller, O.P., on Heavenly Participation Awards

"By God's grace, you made it to heaven, and now you're at the Awards Ceremony of the Heavenly Banquet.

"St. Peter's the emcee of the event. He's been calling out the names of the elect and handing out awards for what feels like the last forty days and forty nights. There have been prizes for all kinds of saintly feats. In the last ten minutes alone, he's announced the Most Zealous Preacher (St. Dominic, of course), Most Improved Player (St. Paul), Most SPIs (Souls Prayed In), Most Hours Spent Hearing Confessions in One Day (St. Padre Pio, who held the record at thirty-six, but he had been bi-locating), and Most Devout First Communion (Bl. Imelda). Now St. Peter calls your name and from the back table you can hear your great-aunt give a loud, encouraging hoot. What award will I get? you think, as you make your way to the front of the room. Most Penitential Morning Commute? Most Meritorious Diaper Change? Silliest Spontaneous Prayer? 

"'Congratulations on receiving the Participation Award,' St. Peter says, and hands you an eight-by-eleven paper certificate."

In a recent commentary, Brother Simon Teller, O.P., reflected on why the blessed in heaven are praised for their participation ("it best describes the way that the saints [and all creatures, for that matter] relate to God").

To access Br. Simon's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: The Participation Award (13 SEP 18)

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