24 October 2018

Angelo Stagnaro on Humility and Finding God

"Christians familiar with St. Francis of Assisi's Fioretti, or 'Little Flowers' will know of the mesmerizing and humbling story of Francis' conversation with Brother Leo, his secretary, as they walked from Perugia to Our Lady of the Angels Church outside of Assisi - also known as the Portiuncula.

"Francis explains in his own words what would be 'perfect joy' to him. He dismisses many things that would make any of the rest of us poor slobs jump with joy but not 'Il Poverino.'

"Even if all of his friars were to give 'a great example of holiness and edification' to all nations, this would be nice but not perfectly joyous to Francis.

"Even if all of the friars were to be given the power to perform miracles at will and even exorcise the most powerful demons, this would not produce perfect joy in him.

"Francis wouldn't be overjoyed even if all of his friars were given the gift of prophecy and the discernment of souls. Nor even if they could all converse with angels or become masters of all the sciences or were able to convert all non-believers to Christ."

In a recent commentary, writer Angelo Stagnaro reflected on humility as the key to finding God.

To access Mr. Stagnaro's complete post, please visit:

National Catholic Register: Blogs: Angelo Stagnaro: 43 Signs That You Need More Humility, According to St. Francis and St. Josemaría (31 AUG 18)

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