"The ritual is simple and well-known: walk into a church, dip hand in font of holy water, make Sign of the Cross, proceed to pew. And the reverse: exit pew, dip hand in holy water font, make Sign of the Cross, exit church. It's rote, it's mundane, it doesn’t seem all that significant. But the meaning and significance of holy water is so much more!

"In his book Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics, Rev. Henry Theiler points out and directs readers to the deep relevance for holy water in the Catholic life. He begins by explaining the significance of water, moves on to why it’s sacramental, and then moves through its effects and uses."

In a recent commentary, writer Theresa Zoe Williams reflected on some of these uses of holy water (including ways to use holy water in the home).

To access her complete post, please visit:

EpicPew: The Numerous Uses of Holy Water