19 March 2020

Katie Prejean McGrady on the Inconveniently Necessary Lent

"I hate Lent.

"I don't like the color. I'm much more a green and white than a purple and gray type of gal.

"I don't like the music. Everything is in a minor key, somberly plodding along like we're all walking to our grave.

"I don't like the length of the season. Forty days is just awkward. Be a month or be nothing.

"But most of all: I don't like the demands. . . . I don't like having to do something else. I'm busy enough as it is, and I think I'm plenty generous! And I certainly don't like the extra prayer I'm expected to do. I think I do enough of that already.

"Lent is a season of inconvenience, and that's precisely why we need it.

In a recent commentary, speaker and author Katie Prejean McGrady reflected on how the things she finds inconvenient and unenjoyable about Lent remind her of the "inconvenience of the cross and the remarkable gift of Christ's sacrifice."

To access Ms. McGrady's complete essay, please visit:

Boston Pilot: Echoes: Echoes: The inconveniently necessary Lent. (26 FEB 20)

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