05 October 2020

Bishop Tobin on Idealism and Realism

"Several years ago in another diocese, as one of the seminarians was being evaluated, he was criticized by a veteran priest who said that he was 'too idealistic.' When told of the concern, the seminarian shot back: 'I'm twenty-one years old and studying for the priesthood. If I'm not idealistic now, when will I be?'

"Point well taken.

"It seems that idealism is a blessing of the young, and the failure to meet those ideals a curse of the old. The tension between starry-eyed idealism and hardcore realism is an ever-present reality in the world. For example, I'd like to have a perfect Leave-it-to-Beaver family, but in fact my family is pretty dysfunctional. I wish every priest were a combination of Fulton Sheen and John Vianney, but my pastor is just a nice old guy trying to pay the bills. I long for peace in the world, but I'm feuding with my neighbor across the street. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, of the Diocese of Providence (RI), reflected on something to remember as our idealism meeting realism in our lives.

To access Bishop Tobin's complete essay, please visit:

The Imitation of Christ: Idealism Or Realism, Or Both? (1 OCT 20)

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