"In my years as a priest, I have often had people ask me why God, who we say needs nothing and is fully content and joyful in Himself, created anything outside Himself. Does His act of creation indicate that He lacked something or that He needed others?
"This is difficult for us humans to understand. To some degree that difficulty arises from us, who are often motivated most by need. We tend to project our own realities onto God. But need and incompleteness are not the only things that motivate."
In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish,
Washington, DC) reflected on Gods infinite love and its relationship to all creation.
To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:
Community in Mission: C=JL² This is the Metaphysical Math and Source of All Creation; It is the Grand Unified Theory (9 FEB 21)
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