". . .So many problems in our culture are rooted in seeing ourselves as body first, and soul later, if at all. This is merely one example. It is a tremendous suffering. More and more people in our day feel alienated from themselves and trapped, divorced from the transcendent purposes of life.
"The fundamental question every human person asks is: Who am I? The late Pope Saint John Paul II writes, 'The created man finds himself from the first moment of his existence before God in search of his own being, as it were … today one would say, in search of his own ‘identity’' (TOB 5:5). . . ."In a
recent commentary, Father Patrick Briscoe, O.P.,
reflected on how many people in our day feel alienated from themselves and trapped and on how the longing for peace can be satisfied in God and His goodness.
To access Fr Patrick's complete post, please visit:
Aleteia: Fr. Patrick Briscoe, OP: How to awaken a desire to ascend? (16 MAY 21)
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