20 October 2021

Fr. Patrick Briscoe, O.P., on Who the Son of Man Is

"René Magritte's iconic 1946 surrealist painting Le fils de l'homme (the Son of Man) depicts the artist, a modern man. Painted wearing a suit and bowler, on a gray day, with his face obscured by a green apple, the subject - and Magritte's use of vibrant colors - arrests the viewer. . . .

"The careful viewer of the painting will notice the subject's eyes peeking out, subtly visible over the top of the apple. The largely hidden nature of the eyes has a haunting effect. It feels as though the man isn't fully visible. If the eyes were completely hidden, the effect of the painting would be different. The subject would feel no longer human."

In a recent commentary, Father Patrick Briscoe, O.P., reflected on Magritte's painting and on Jesus, the Son of Man.

To access Fr Patrick's complete post, please visit: 

Aleteia: Fr. Patrick Briscoe, OP: line break icon Who is the Son of Man? (18 OCT 21)

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