"Some time ago I took an online course about what St. Ignatius calls the discernment of spirits. It's a series of videos (in Polish) about Ignatian spirituality and meditation. In the course of 3 weeks I learned about the Ignatian conscience exam. It's a daily prayer where you spend 15 minutes examining your heart, feelings, desires and - most importantly in this context - the 'motions of our soul.'
"These motions are the thoughts that arise within us
before we undertake an action. The Ignatian examination of conscience
focuses our attention not so much on the act itself, but on the thought, the impulse, the stirring that led to it
and the spirit behind it. Jesus himself says, 'For it is from within,
from the human heart, that evil intentions come: fornication, theft,
murder…' (Mark 7:21). The heart, in the biblical sense of the word, means the center of human decision-making, where thoughts are formulated."
In a recent commentary, writer Dariusz Dudec
reflected on how following this guidance from St. Ignatius of Loyola can affect our driving habits.
To access Mr. Dudec's complete post, please visit:
Aleteia: Dariusz Dudec: What St. Ignatius of Loyola can teach us about driving (28 AUG 23)
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