"I was recently in Burgos, Spain and saw the splendid cathedral there. My first view of it came at night and I took the photo above. What a magnificent building; such proportion and symmetry! It reminds me of tall trees in a forest, majestically reaching up to the heavens. The flying buttresses supporting the soaring walls and towers showcase a great advance in building technique.
"These were the skyscrapers
of the Middle Ages. Such angular, geometric, and vertical beauty;
almost like a forest, a fair flower of the 13th century echoing God's
creation and pointing to Him in a great work of human praise. . . .
"A mere thirty yards from this beautiful cathedral in the town square is something that is not beautiful in any traditional sense. . . ."
In a recent commentary Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on some of the different aspects of art from the Middle Ages and art from our times.
To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:
Community in Mission: Two Pictures from Different Ages - Compare and Contrast! (8 AUG 23)
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