07 February 2025

Fr. Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, on Light in the Darkness

". . .While my week was bookended by the image of light, the days in between were filled with images of darkness, destruction, and death. During the last days of January, we all heard of the plane crashes in Washington, DC, and Philadelphia. We saw pictures and videos of the crashes, the fires, and the aftermath of these tragedies. In the days since we are slowly learning the stories of those who lost their lives in these tragedies.

"We mourn the young and the old. We confront our own mortality every time we turn on the television news or open our computers. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Father Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, reflected on the celebration of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple and how it looks back to Christmas and looks forward to Easter, weaving together the themes of joy and sorrow, gratitude, and grief and confronting the reality of death and the promise of new life.

To access Fr. Kolodziej's complete post, please visit:

De Sales Weekly: Provincial Reflection: Light in the Darkness (6 FEB 25)

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