29 January 2011

A Reflection Starter from Frodo

Lately I have been re-reading The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, and I'm currently towards the end of The Two Towers. In the book version of this, the second part of the trilogy, when Sam, Gollum, and he were parting ways with Faramir to continue their quest, Frodo spoke some words of appreciation to Faramir for his assistance. Included in these words, Frodo told him "it was said to me by Elrond Halfelven that I should find friendship on the way, secret and unlooked for. Certainly I looked for no such friendship as you have shown. To have found it turns evil to great good."

I was reflecting on this passage today while I was walking back from the supermarket with a load of groceries, and while I was doing so I was remembering a number of times when I was in the middle of one challenge or another and, without any asking on my part, someone "just happened" to offer me some needed assistance (and I did not always know I needed that bit of help).

I am very grateful to the good Lord for taking such good care of me in these circumstances As always, He knows what my needs are (much better than I do), and I appreciate His many blessings (whether I am aware of them or not). I am grateful that He is an active participant in my life. (May I never forget this.)

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