01 May 2015

Msgr. Pope on Meeting God on His Terms

". . . many in our world today seek to define God on their own terms. In effect, we moderns say, 'Be God on my terms,' or 'I will believe in you if you conform to my expectations. Tell me plainly, in my terms, if you will be the kind of God I expect and want you to be.' The ecclesial version of this is 'When the Catholic Church conforms to my views and expectations I will put faith in her and join, otherwise I won't.' And thus God and the Church He founded are not to be discovered, they are to be reworked according to modern sensibilities. In terms of God, we used to call this idolatry. In terms of the Church, this is called 'designer religion.'

"Try for a minute to step back and be appalled at the arrogance of this modern trend. So many in our culture think they have a perfect right to design God rather than to go out and meet Him on His own terms, as revealed in Scripture and the ancient Tradition of the Church. For many today, it is God in the image of man, not man in the image of God."

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on the importance of meeting God on His terms rather than our own terms.

To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:

Msgr. Charles Pope: God on His Terms, Not Ours (30 APR 15)

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