29 November 2015

Msgr. Pope on Deepening Gratitude

"True gratitude is a grace, or gift, from God. It proceeds from a humble and transformed heart. In such a case we do not render thanks merely because it is polite or expected, or because God commands it, but because it naturally flows from a profound experience of gratitude. The 'command' of Scripture to give thanks is not a moralism, but a truth and a description of what flows from a transformed heart.

"Thus, an anointing to seek from God is the powerful transformation of our intellect and our heart so that we become deeply aware of the remarkable gift that is everything we have. As this awareness deepens so does our gratitude and joy at the 'magnificent munificence' of our God. Everything - literally everything - is a gift from God."

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on some ways we can open ourselves more fully to the grace of gratitude.

To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:

Community in Mission: Some Thoughts to Help Deepen Gratitude (25 NOV 15)

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