17 April 2016

Msgr. Pope on Wonder (and Humility and Gratitude)

"A big problem today is that of rampant boredom. One would think, with all the diversions available to us, we would be one of the least bored generations in history. There are various forms of entertainment available to us quite literally at our fingertips: television, radio, the Internet, Netflix, video games, and more.

"Yet it still seems that we moderns are often bored. The reason for this, I think, is that we are overstimulated.

"The loud and frantic pace of even our recreational activities leaves most of us incapable of appreciating the subtler, gentler, and more hidden things of life.

"Dale Ahlquist, the great commentator on G.K. Chesterton, writes,

"There is no excuse for being bored. … And yet the modern world is bored. … Our entertainment grows louder, flashier, and more bizarre in ever more desperate attempts just to keep our attention.

"As G.K. Chesterton proclaims (in Tremendous Trifles, p.7): “The world will never starve for want of wonders; but only for want of wonder.” There are no dreary sites, he declares, only dreary sightseers (Common Sense 101, p. 27).

"Boredom is a problem on the inside. And happiness, too, is an inside job. We should all seek the great gifts of wonder and awe. We should strive to appreciate God's glories and wonders, which are on display at every moment: in everything we see and in everyone we encounter."

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on boredom vis-à-vis the gift of wonder (including the role of humility and gratitude) in appreciating God's gifts.

To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:

Community in Mission: There Has Been No Loss of Wonders, Only a Loss of Wonder - A Brief Summons to Awe (14 APR 16)

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