07 November 2017

On Ways To Be A Better Evangelist

"Have you ever had a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness come to your door? Did you feel like they were there to truly love you? Probably not. Most of us feel like we are being used and that they are selling something more than wanting to help us. This is because they don't know us, aren't really looking to enter into our lives and befriend us; rather, they are looking for a project they can complete. We are really just a part of a checklist. They do their door-to-door evangelism and boom...they are done with evangelizing others for the day, even if they make no converts.

"I think there are some Catholics who approach evangelization the same way - as something to check off the list, in order to " be a good Catholic". It isn't something they really intentionally try to grow into, get better at, or eventually get skillful at doing. This is a shame. We are made to evangelize, in fact, this is the core mission of all Christians! So, we ought to be aiming at getting better at it!"

A recent Catholic Missionary Disciples post offered a few suggestions designed to help Catholics become better evangelists. The suggestions included a recommendation to stop treating others as evangelization projects and more as people we love, knowing the proper time and place for using apologetics, and asking more questions of others than they do ofus.

To access the complete Catholic Missionary Disciples post, please visit:

Catholic Missionary Disciples: 5 Ways To Be A Better Evangelist

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