21 December 2017

Fr. Victor Feltes on the Ox, the Ass, and the First Manger Scene

"In the year 1223 A.D., about two weeks before Christmas and three years before his death, St. Francis of Assisi shared an innovative idea with a beloved friend: 'I want to do something that will recall the memory of that child who was born in Bethlehem, to see with bodily eyes the inconveniences of his infancy, how he lay in the manger, and how the ox and ass stood by.' With Pope Honorius III's approval and his generous friend's help, everything was ready for Christmas Eve."

In a recent commentary, Father Victor Feltes (pastor of Saint Wenceslaus Parish, Eastman, WI) reflected on the creatures Saint Francis included at the crib of Jesus and on their importance to those who view the Nativity scenes.

To access Fr. Feltes' complete reflection, please visit:

Parishable Items: The Ox, the Ass, & the First Manger Scene (20 DEC 17)

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