23 September 2024

Bishop Henning on Faithful Citizenship and Freedom of Religion

"Years ago, on the same weekend as the Right to Life Mass and March, I preached at a parish youth Mass. I wanted the young people there to reflect upon the Catholic commitment to the sanctity of human life. As many of the young people were from the local high school, I looked up the statistics from the year that the high school seniors were born. I was shocked to learn that one third of the pregnancies in that town ended in termination that year. In my remarks to those young people, I spoke in the homily about their missing classmates who never enjoyed the chance for life. I did not speak much about theology, I simply mourned the loss and asked everyone to remember the true cost of that seemingly innocuous word 'choice.'"

In a recent commentary, Bishop Richard G. Henning, the bishop of the Diocese of Providence (RI), reflected on the relationship between freedom of religion and appropriately exercising our citizenship.

To access Bishop Henning's complete essay, please visit:

The State of Hope: Faithful Citizenship and Freedom of Religion (19 SEP 24)

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