05 April 2011

Yankee Ingenuity in Maine: MOOMilk

New England is a treasure house filled with many different types of spiritual, cultural, historical, and other resources. Included in this treasure trove is a rich variety of creative people. There is a phrase, "Yankee ingenuity," that has a lot of truth in it. People of New England have been noted for coming up with solutions to challenges/problems of all types.

As Suzi Forbes Chase wrote in New England (New York: Prentice Hall, 1994): "Principles come first. Hard work second.Give a New Englander a problem and he'll study it every which way until he comes up with a solution.

"That's the essence of 'Yankee ingenuity' - that peculiar knack for making the best of any situation - of turning a negative into a positive."

There is a good example of such ingenuity in Maine when a group of ten of the state's organic dairy farmers lost their contracts with H. P. Hood, Inc. The farmers worked together to come up with a solution to this challenge and launched MOOMilk, short for Maine’s Own Organic Milk Company.

For more information about MOOMilk, please visit:

Maine's Own Organic Milk Company

Bangor Daily News: True Yankee ingenuity launches MOOMilk (9 OCT 09)

Bangor Daily News: ‘Yankee ingenuity’ gets milk machine back in operation (1 AUG 10)

New York Times: Local, Organic Milk: Nice Idea, but Try Making a Profit (18 FEB 11)

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