02 November 2014

Fr. Kocik on the Seven Deadly Sins and Their Remedies

"The disorder introduced into our human nature by Adam's fall from grace reveals itself especially through seven dominant vices known in the Catholic tradition as the capital sins. These are: pride, avarice, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth. We call them 'capital' sins (from the Latin caput, 'head') because they are the sources or fountainheads of all the sins people commit, whether sins of commission or sins of omission. We call them 'deadly' because they cause spiritual death; Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen liked to call them the 'seven pallbearers of the soul.'

"Spiritual growth is impossible unless we try to dig up the roots of our sins with the help of God's illuminating and sanctifying grace."

In a recent commentary, Father Thomas Kocik reflected on the virtues that serve to counteract these deadly sins and their effects.

To access Fr. Kocik's complete post, please visit:

One Peter 5: The Seven Deadly Sins and Their Remedies (22 OCT 14)

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