06 May 2019

Bishop Tobin on Importance of Faith Each Day

"I saw an interesting survey recently, from the Pew Research Center, that asked respondents to indicate which local news topics they considered to be important for daily life. Topics included things like the weather, crime, traffic, schools, sports, and so forth.

"Not surprisingly, the topic chosen for having the most importance in daily life was the weather. A whopping seventy percent of respondents checked that box. (The next popular choice was crime, at forty-four percent.) The choice of weather makes sense, for after all, as we navigate our daily activities, it often makes a difference if it’s sunny and warm, windy and rainy or, heaven forbid, cold and snowy. And besides, what else would you talk about when you're riding an elevator with strangers?

"But I was surprised, disappointed even, that of the eleven topics covered in the survey, 'faith' or 'religion' wasn't even listed as an option. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, of the Diocese of Providence (RI), reflected on the importance of faith as a guidebook, a source of comfort, and a provider of perspective as we live our lives each day.

To access Bishop Tobin's complete essay, please visit:

The Imitation of Christ: The Importance of Faith, Everyday (2 MAY 19)

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