09 May 2019

Fr. Ron Rolheiser on the Victory of the Resurrection of Jesus

"We are all, I suspect, familiar with the famous expression from Julian of Norwich, now an axiom in our language. She once famously wrote: In the end all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of being shall be well. To which Oscar Wilde is reported to have added: 'And if it isn't well, then it's still not the end.'

"Few words better express what we celebrate in the resurrection of Jesus. Belief in the resurrection, belief that God raised Jesus from the dead, constitutes the very ground of our Christian faith. Everything else we believe in as Christians is grounded on that truth and, as St. Paul says, if that isn't true, if Jesus wasn't raised from the dead, we are the most deluded of all people. But if God did raise Jesus, and we believe that he did, then not only can the rest of Jesus' message be trusted, we can then live with the ultimate consolation that the end of our story has already been written and it is a happy, ecstatic ending. We will in the end, live happily ever after. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Father Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I. reflected on the Resurrection of Jesus and the victory it brings.

To access Father Ron's complete essay, please visit:

The Boston Pilot: Echoes: And all manner of being shall be well (17 APR 19

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