11 January 2021

Bishop Tobin on Saint Joesph and Salvation History

"A few years ago, as Christmas approached, someone mentioned to me that it was a shame that there aren't more Christmas cards depicting St. Joseph with the Baby Jesus. Since that comment, I've paid more attention to Christmas pictures, and while there are many of the Madonna and Child, and lots with the Holy Family, it's true that pictures of Jesus and Joseph are pretty rare.

"There are good reasons for the more common Christmas pictures, but it's good not to lose sight of the significant role St. Joseph played in the Christmas narrative. . . .

"Although the Gospels have no record of Joseph saying anything . . . , his role in the story of salvation was profound and shouldn't be overlooked"

In a recent commentary, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, of the Diocese of Providence (RI), reflected on the role of Saint Joseph in Jesus' early life.

To access Bishop Tobin's complete essay, please visit: 

The Imitation of Christ: St. Joseph, the Unsung Hero (17 DEC 20)

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