"The Baptism of the Lord closes the Christmas season. The next day
begins the First Week of Ordinary Time, Lent following in five weeks on
Feb. 17. The Christmas season is full of theophanies, i.e., revelations
of the divine. Christmas itself 'hails the Incarnate Deity' (to borrow 'Hark the Herald Angels' insight). Epiphany reveals Jesus sent as
Redeemer of all humanity. The Baptism of the Lord reveals Jesus'
Identity at the beginning of his public ministry at age 30, after the 'hidden life.'
"In terms of the Gospels' interest, with the Baptism of Jesus, John's ministry comes to an end and Jesus' begins. (The three Synoptic Gospels also note that, after his Baptism, Jesus then undergoes his temptations in the desert.)
"Because the Baptism of Jesus is such a turning point in the Gospels, it has frequently been represented in art, even by the same artist. . . ."
In a recent commentary, writer John M. Grondelski offered some insights on the painting "Baptism of Jesus" by Nicolas Poussin.
To access Mr. Grondelski's complete post, please visit:
National Catholic Register: Blogs: John Grondelski: 'After Jesus Had Been Baptized and Was Praying, Heaven Was Opened' (10 JAN 21)
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