"The Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of the 'Immaculate Conception,' is patroness of the United States. She was proclaimed
unanimously on May 13, 1846, by the Catholic bishops of the United
States under that title. Pope Pius XI affirmed that decision July 2,
1847. . . .
"Yet Dec. 8 comes and goes. Not a few Catholics in the United States ignore its status as a holy day of obligation. Some attend Mass, but I bet most really wonder what's so important that we are celebrating this day. (It must be important: it's the only holy day besides Christmas not subject to the U.S. bishops' 'Saturday-or-Monday-holy-days-don't-count-unless-we-transfer-them-to-Sunday' rule].
"So why is this day so important and why is the Immaculate Conception an appropriate patroness for the United States, especially today?"
In a recent commentary, writer John M. Grondelski offered three reasons why the Immaculate Conception is an appropriate patroness for the United States, one who "provides much essential guidance for our lives today."
To access Mr. Grondelski's complete post, please visit:
National Catholic Register: Blogs: John Grondelski: Why Is the Immaculate Conception a Most Appropriate Patroness for the United States? (8 DEC 22
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