16 July 2024

Daniel Gordon on Feeling Burned Out and Sabbath Rest

"Do you feel burned out?

"It's that feeling of lethargy. A tiredness that is deep in the bones.

"It is different from physical tiredness. A good night's sleep will not cure it. It is a sort of tiredness not only or primarily of the body and mind. It is a tiredness of the soul that defies simple explanation or solution. When we suffer the effects of burnout, we yearn for rest and recuperation, but it seems impossibly out of reach. . . ."

In a recent post, writer Daniel Gordon reflected on the importance of Sabbath rest in our lives.

To access Mr. Gordon's complete post, please visit:

Daniel Gordon: Feeling Burned Out? Find Your Sabbath. Deep Rest - and Renewal - is Possible. (8 JUN 24)

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