20 July 2024

On the Artictic Ministry of Daniel Mitsui

"One of the great things about Catholicism is its rich tradition filled with saints, theologians, and artists who continue to fascinate and inspire. The church does not fall prey to a stultifying historicism that renders the old as obsolete. Instead, it recognizes the great wisdom that our ancestors in faith continue to share.

"For artists such as Daniel Mitsui, the theologians of the early church and the artists of the Middle Ages are part of a living tradition with much to offer our world today. . . ."

A recent U.S. Catholic article offered an overview of Daniel Mitsui ministry and some of what goes into the development of his paintings..

To access the complete article, please visit:

U.S. Catholic: Artist Daniel Mitsui brings the medieval to modern times (August 2024)

Background information:

Daniel Mitsui - Artist

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