11 July 2024

Fr. Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, on Daily Routines

"Today the Church remembers St. Benedict. Benedict is considered one of the founders of the monastic tradition in the Christian tradition.  A 'rule of life' is essential to any form of monasticism. 'The Rule of St. Benedict' was written to help the monks focus on prayer and work in a sacred space and in a set schedule. His rule offered people a balanced and simple strategy to embrace their faith and follow the Lord. . . .

"Following a rule of life is not something that is specific to religious orders. All of us tend to follow certain patterns and paths as we navigate the road of life. We use a set of customs, practices, and guidelines that we have gathered from different sources or used in specific situations. We look to signposts to point us in the right direction. We seek assistance from family and friends to help us on our journey. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Father Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, reflected on the importance of taking time to "consider the rhythms and patterns of our life" and finding God in the ordinary moments and actions of daily life.

To access Fr. Kolodziej's complete post, please visit:

De Sales Weekly: Provincial's Reflection: The Rule of Life (11 JUL 24)

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