"The best moral formation often comes from music. It was my first year singing in our Dominican Schola and I was learning the intricate beauty of polyphony. A more seasoned brother leaned over and let me know that I'd really 'internalized the tempo.' 'Great!' I thought to myself, 'I'm getting the hang of this.' My face must have betrayed self-confidence since he went on to explain that this wasn't a good thing. His advice was simple, 'You need a metronome.'
"By 'internalizing the tempo' I had
stopped paying attention to the movement of the whole choir. I was
internally consistent, singing the right notes, all in good time, but I
had fallen off from the piece as a whole."
In a recent commentary, Brother Augustine Mary Buckner, O.P.,
reflected on our need for a moral metronome'
To access Br. Augustine's complete post, please visit:
Dominicana: You Need a Metronome (11 JAN 25)
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