24 January 2025

Fr. Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, on St. Francis de Sales

". . .As I was hurrying to give a presentation in the [Father Judge High School] auditorium, I stood back and watched as a freshman student council leader stood in front of a statue of St. Francis de Sales and told an eighth-grade visitor and his parents, 'This is St. Francis de Sales. He is our patron. That means he helps us. We try to live like him because he tried to live Jesus.”

"The Judge student never saw me, but the parents and the eighth-grader could see the smile on my face. . . ."

In a recent commentary on the feast day of St. Francis de Sales, Father Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, reflected on St. Francis de Sales and his spiritual values and teachings.

To access Fr. Kolodziej's complete post, please visit:

De Sales Weekly: Provincial Reflection: A Blessing to One Another (9 JAN 25)

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